Sunday, August 27, 2006

Brainiac Thermite eXperiment

Thermite is a powdered mixture of iron oxide and aluminium.
When ignited it burns at a 2500C. Which is very HOT!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Brainiac Alkali Metals

Mythbusters havin' homemade fun

Mythbusters Pt. 1

Mythbusters Pt. 2

Monday, August 14, 2006

Molotov Cocktail

A Molotov cocktail consists of a glass bottle partly filled with flammable liquid, typically petrol, alcohol (methanol, ethanol, ...), or gasoline. When gasoline is used as the main ingredient, motor oil or sugar is commonly added to help the gasoline cling to the target. Put a piece of cloth dipped in oil into the bottle and ignite it. Due to small surface area of combustion, as well as a lack of air caused by the small and narrow opening, just a small flame is emitted. When thrown, however, the bottle breaks on impact, and with sudden oxygen available, the burning fuel quickly sets the target on fire in an explosive manner.

20 L Molotov Cocktail in a plastic bottle

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Water Rocket

Water rockets, also called Bottle rockets or Aquajets, are like their model rocket cousins, except that these are powered by a combination of water and air pressure instead of a chemical propellant. The pressure vessel, the engine of the rocket, is usually a used plastic soft drink bottle.

Thursday, August 03, 2006 Links

Dry Ice Explotions

This is easy to make. Just fill 3/4 of a bottle with water and then add some dry ice. Do not touch the ice with your bare hands, cause you can get frost damages! Screw the lid on the bottle and run. If it doesn't blow, do not pick it up! Pinch it with a stick or something, unless you want it to blow up in your face.

The Baloon Bomb

This bomb is pretty easy to make. You just mix the two chemicals hydrochloric acid and zink together in a heatproof bottle. Combined together they will make a very flammable gas called hydrogen.